Vanessa Lanza

Vanessa is a PNW-based printmaker and mixed media artist working out of her home studio in Gig Harbor, WA.

She began nurturing her artistic side at a very young age; her mother is a collector of Japanese etching/woodblock prints and she grew up surrounded by incredible pieces of art. Finding endless inspiration for her art in the unique and natural landscapes of the Pacific Northwest, Vanessa’s artistic process involves using natural elements and locally foraged objects, so that nature is not only the subject of a piece, but also plays an integral role in the creation of it.

“As a printmaker, this is particularly exciting because there is a direct storytelling aspect to it, as I am allowing natural elements and processes to shape the outcome of a piece.”

In her ocean cyanotype series, she treats 100% cotton rag paper with a photosensitive solution of iron salts, then dips the paper in ocean water (sometimes right at the beach, other times she brings the ocean water back to her studio and dips there). Sometimes she will add salt, sand, and other found items onto the paper depending on the effect she’s going for. After she exposes, rinses and develops the paper, she will often repeat the process, adding more of the solution to areas she wants darker, then timing her second exposure accordingly. Or she will lighten or tone areas with a bleaching agent, coffee, tea or turmeric, etc. The results are completely unique and made with local natural elements.

“My hope is that my art will inspire you to join me in honoring, treasuring and protecting our region's most precious natural resources.“

Cyanotype on 100% cotton rag paper, processed with water from the Salish Sea, salt and sun.  Solid wood black frame with premium grade UV filtering plexiglass.


Steve Jensen


(Draft) Lory Newsom